Recently, it was announced that the lost Ark MMOARPG will have a massive robot ban to optimize the environment and reduce player queue times. As a result, the move has had an immediate impact, with lost Ark now playing around 250,000 Steam players online, compared to 834,000 simultaneous online players prior to the move.
Bot accounts have been a major problem with Amazon games, leading to surprisingly long server queues and even higher prices at the game auction house. The mood seems to have changed, and The Lost Ark is still one of the most played games on Steam.
The Lost Ark is an overhead MMORPG featuring a fast-paced, lock-free combat style, epic cinematic storytelling, and multi-class features. The game uses Unreal III engine, set in the middle Ages, and contains a variety of gameplay, so players need to buy cheap Lost Ark gold to play.
In the game, you play the role of a hero who seeks an Ark and grows up to fight an army of demons. The game is also constantly updated. Recently, the lost Ark officially announced that it will be linked to the well-known RPG series Witcher 3: Hunt, which is expected to be released this winter.